Ex-officer in Israeli military intelligence says young Palestinians are fed up with 'the ideologies and the high politics' and are thus turning to 'individual efforts'

Chief of embassy's Palestinian Affairs Unit expresses condolences to Ghada Sabateen's family in rare decision to weigh in on killing of Palestinian who isn't a US citizen

Police have shifted tactics at flashpoint sites and diplomats have shuttled back and forth in an attempt to keep tensions in the city low during Ramadan. Will it last?

Mohammad Ali Ghneim, 21, is the third Palestinian killed by Israeli troops on Sunday, as tensions spike following wave of deadly terror attacks in Israel

Military says Ghada Ibrahim Ali al-Sabiteen, 47, was shot when she 'approached IDF soldiers in a suspicious manner' in Husan, with tensions high across the West Bank

Every new attack, ‘inspired’ by the former, makes it harder for Israel to maintain a surgical approach to cutting the 'chain reaction' of unaffiliated terrorists

Second time PA has denounced Palestinian violence in recent weeks as attacks hit large Israeli cities; PA leader also warns against 'provocative' acts at Temple Mount

Recent terror wave briefly raised prospect that policy would be kept stringent; no change in policy towards Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip

Ultra-Orthodox residents of Bnei Brak and others attend funeral for Christian Arab cop who died taking out terrorist; 'We will not forget Amir' says police minister Barlev

Muhammad Sa'id says as soon as heard gunfire when passenger shot attacker, he stopped the bus and asked passengers to disembark
