An antisemitic employee at a convenience store who refused service to a Jewish customer for not having a mask who refused service to a Jewish customer for not having a mask, but gave no problem to an unmasked non-Jewish customer, has been fired from her job. In an email responding to the incident, the store owner said he was sorry for what happened, and that the employee has been terminated. “Let me assure you that our policy does not direct employees to refuse service to any customer based upon adherence to the mask requirement imposed by the State of New York. Neither the refusal of service nor the ensuing confrontational actions of the staff member are acceptable in our business, are not in line with out policies and are not tolerated,” the email reads.

A young girl was struck and critically injured on Monday evening at the intersection of County Line Road and Squankum Road in Lakewood. Hatzolah was called to the scene and found an approximately 12-year-old girl with serious traumatic injuries. Hatzolah paramedics transported the girl to Jersey Shore Medical Center in critical condition. Please say tehillim for Pinya Gittel bas Rochel Shaindel.  (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
The post TEHILLIM: 12-Year-Old Struck, Critically Injured in Lakewood appeared first on The Yeshiva World.

A young woman was the victim of an attempted assault in Boro Park, Tuesday night. Sources tell YWN that the suspect approached a 16-year-old girl on 60th Street near 18th Avenue at around 9:00PM, touched her inappropriately, and attempted to assault her. The victim fought back, and began screaming. A driver passing by heard the screams and stopped his vehicle, causing the suspect to flee on foot. Police are looking for a Hispanic male suspect. (Exact description will be published when available.) The victim was Bichasdei Hashem not injured. The NYPD Special Victims Unit is investigating the incident. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for HaGaon Rav Moshe Shternbuch’s gabbai reached out to this author and forwarded the following Teshuvah from Rav Shternbuch shlita. Rav Shternbuch is the Raavad of the Eida HaChareidis nd is one of the Gedolei HaDor. [The Rav further conveyed orally that the obituaries published in the Charedi press [in Eretz Yisroel] constitute a CHILLUL HASHEM as were the hespedim that were given.  He is a מאבד עצמו לדעת [and should not have been given them].

Former President Donald Trump lashed out at former Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in a book interview called “Trump’s Peace: The Abraham Accords and the Reshaping of the Middle East.” Speaking to the book’s author, journalist Barak Ravid, Trump said that he is no longer on speaking terms with Netanyahu after the latter was quick to congratulate Joe Biden on his win in the presidential election. “The first person that congratulated [Biden] was Bibi Netanyahu, the man that I did more for than any other person I dealt with. … Bibi could have stayed quiet. He made a terrible mistake,” Trump said. “I liked Bibi. I still like Bibi. But I also like loyalty. The first person to congratulate Biden was Bibi.

Israel is apparently extending the more stringent Covid-19 quarantine regulations that were enacted a few weeks ago by an additional seven days. Channel 12 news in Israel reported the extension of the stricter regulations that caused a severe drop in travel to and from the country recently and said that the Government decided upon the longer time frame in an effort to curb the spread of the Omicron strain of the virus in Israel. The regulations included a mandatory isolation period for anyone entering the country, including Israelis who recovering coronavirus patients and those who have received even three vaccinations.

In a vote taken today by the Rabbonim of Boca Raton, Florida, a unanimous decision was reached to invite Hatzalah of South Florida to expand their services into the Boca Raton community. In a letter provided to YWN, the Rabbonim wrote: “Upon our request and invitation, Hatzalah of South Florida will be the only Hatzalah organization operating in Boca Raton, recognized and supported by the Vaad Harabonim of Boca Raton. We are deeply appreciative of all the efforts that have taken place to bring Hatzalah to our community and are very grateful that we now have the opportunity to proceed in a united fashion.” Important: Until all preparations and plans are finalized, community members are instructed to continue calling 911 in the event of an emergency.

In a video produced by Lev Tahor survivor Mendy Levy, he speaks about the shocking abuse and neglectful conditions he endured during his years in the cult. In one hair-raising segment of the video, a female Lev Tahor survivor is heard talking about the instructions of Lev Tahors leaders to the women of the cult to literally “shecht” their children in the case of authorities trying to take them away. She said that the cult leaders called them to a meeting and told them that there were threats from the authorities that their children will be taken away from them. “So he said that when the authorities come, the men will all go and talk to them, and meanwhile all the women will gather here together with their children.

After joint efforts with Turkey, Mordi and Natali Oknin were released from Turkish prison and landed in Israel on Thursday morning. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid thanked the President of Turkey and his government for their cooperation. They also expressed their respect to the Oknin family for their strength during this complicated time and for their cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Additionally, they conveyed special thanks to President Herzog for his efforts to help bring them home. As YWN had been reporting, the couple was arrested on Friday for photographing the palace of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with Turkish prosecutors telling a judge that they suspect them of espionage.

A sickening display of anti-Semitism was showcased at a public hearing in the town of Haverstraw, NY (near Monsey) last night, when a bigot got up and made incredibly shocking and hateful comments about the Jews of the town. The incident came during at a town hearing during which a variance was being considered for a property upon which Jews are planning to build a shul. During the public comments section, a man who self-identified as Nick Collela of 45 River Glen Drive, got up to give his two cents about the Jews. Collela went on a tirade against the proposed building of the shul, looking for every possible complaint he could use – from garbage cans in the street to Hatzolah showing up to emergencies – to somehow get the shul’s request for approval denied.
