Likud party confirms leaders of Union of Right Wing Parties to meet Netanyahu on Monday, as reports signal the two will also be offered seats on high-level security cabinet

Several politicians say Israel should target Hamas leaders; Blue and White head Gantz calls for 'attack of unprecedented intensity'

The pro-marijuana, libertarian head of Zehut says unlike URWP, New Right strikes the best balance to appeal to wider Israeli public

URWP hoping to stop popular former justice minister from running in coming elections with New Right, where she is said to have been offered party leadership

Netanyahu ally also said to inform Smotrich he was passed over for Justice Ministry because it is key to the premier's future

Majority of constituents want to see all their parties united on one list, including the far-right Otzma Yehudit

After dissenting statements came from within URWP calling dibs on Education Ministry, party co-leaders slam those who would 'divide' religious Zionism

Jewish Home, National Union, New Right reportedly reach initial understandings, with Peretz or Shaked leading merged slate; New Right denies report, but adds its still early

After emergency meeting, parties decide to push ahead with forming government of 60 MKs; Yisrael Beytenu leader says this would effectively be an 'ultra-Orthodox' government

Avigdor Liberman still refusing to join new government; some in PM's Likud are threatening new elections; most analysts think all will be worked out by Tuesday deadline
