Warm welcome at borders contrasts with hostility, harsh language faced by others looking for safe haven

United Nations High Commission for Refugees says number is still rising and up to 4 million Ukrainians could flee if the situation deteriorates further

Civilians pour into Poland and other neighboring countries; UN refugee agency expects up to 4 million Ukrainians could flee if situation deteriorates further

Most moving to Poland and Moldova, and many more are heading for the borders, officials say

87 Afghanis, part of larger group rescued in October in an effort led by IsraAID, reside in Albania as they await resettlement in Canada

Pledge comes as UN announces largest-ever appeal for a single country, seeking over $5 billion for Afghans suffering at home and those who have fled

UN's refugee agency says at least 1,570 individuals, including 186 Lebanese nationals, embarked on illicit journey or tried to leave country in smuggler boats during 2021

The New Neighbors Partnership matches arriving families with established ones with kids of the same age, so hand-me-downs can keep coming for years and lasting relationships formed

The film opened in US theaters Dec. 3 and is sweeping up awards; in it, 'Amin,' a gay academic with family in Afghanistan, tells a harrowing story that is far too common

Despite having visas, Seattle Jewish Family Services employee Tahera and her family were turned back among a crush of others trying to escape, until her supervisor got on the phone
