UK envoy to Israel praises Bennett's efforts to help resolve conflict, notes: 'Israel has probably the best relationship with both countries of any democracy'
Ukrainian government fighting on military and social media fronts against Russia; videos of stiff resistance circulate online; Zelensky's daily addresses become viral sensations
Har Torah gets laughs even outside the Jewish world; head of school Rabbi Gary Menchel and the anonymous parent running the Twitter account talk humor, education and Jewish values
Miriam Anzovin's 'Daf Reactions' cause as many disputes as their source material; some find them sacrilegious, others refreshing, but their creator says they're simply heartfelt
Palestinian affairs correspondent Aaron Boxerman weighs in on the civil unrest in the PA and Gaza; Jewish World editor Yaakov Schwartz reports on the Lev Tahor cult from Bosnia
Opinion submitted by outgoing AG states that principles of freedom of expression apply when an elected official uses a private profile in the context of his public office
Tehran police chief says clips 'play with people’s nerves, security and peace'; prankster defends actions, says he 'only wanted to make people happy and gain more followers'
Expert says app, which played a key role in violent protest against pandemic policies, has also become a 'new avenue' for spreading racist, antisemitic content
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