In annual report, state comptroller warns of conflicts of interest due to PIID's 'institutional association' with State Attorney's Office that could undercut its independence

Annual state comptroller report slams agriculture and health ministries for failing to control pesticides, pillories Environment Ministry for not tackling environmental damage

Comptroller faults Defense Ministry institute for mishandling project and misleading officials on costs, timetable and ability to produce homegrown vaccine

Report says Netanyahu's staff to discuss matter in coming days; ongoing renovations at Balfour compound estimated to cost around $30 million, last another 2-3 more years

Netanyahu's staff searching for architect to construct long stalled combined residence and office for PM, a project that will likely cost over $350 million

Matanyahu Englman says PMO never detailed post's responsibilities, has only 'minimal' information about work done; captive's relative says meeting had been 'void of content'

In sweeping report, Matanya Englman finds lapses in securing soldiers' dental records and fingerprints, as well as in education, transportation and Tax Authority systems

Report largely based on survey of servicewomen; State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman says pimping scandal at Gilboa Prison appears to be 'tip of the iceberg'

In annual report, Matanyahu Englman faults government for wide range of failings, including lack of preparedness for hospital cyberattacks and safety issues at construction sites

Foreign minister, who has long opposed 'Wing of Zion,' rails against project after state comptroller highlighted serious irregularities in procurement and operation
