Abdalla Hamdok says fragmentation of political forces and conflicts between military and civilian components of transition were unbridgeable, despite his best efforts

Thousands demonstrate in demand for civilian rule following military takeover and in memory of 'martyrs' killed in previous protests

Army says driver traveling on a nearby road, exited vehicle and fired several rounds toward post before fleeing scene; soldiers scanning area in search of suspect

No comment from Israeli army on incident; Palestinian medics say several others injured in clashes, mostly from tear gas inhalation

Army says it has 'no knowledge of what happened inside the hospital,' after Hebron facility head says soldiers gassed coronavirus ward Sunday morning, hurting 25

Police deny using tear gas, saying acrid smoke that filled halls of al-Makassed hospital was from pepper spray used by one of the suspects in a 200-person brawl

Neal Sher asks IRS to strip museum of tax-exempt status over 'smear campaign' against board member who supplies crowd-dispersal method used by IDF and on migrants at US border

Some 10,000 Palestinians demonstrated along security fence but the IDF, with a stricter open-fire policy, and Hamas, which patrolled the border, largely kept the peace