Report says deal finalized by Biden administration, which includes Saudi approval of Israeli overflights, is being held up by Cairo over bilateral issues with US

Flying directly from Tel Aviv to cover the Saudi leg of Biden's trip, I popped out to sightsee along Palestine Street and in the Haifa Mall, and chat briefly with some locals

Mideast diplomat says unclear whether deal will be done in time for Biden visit, as Jerusalem and Riyadh don't have formal ties, and latter hesitant to put agreement in writing

Senior official takes issue with US-drawn 'symmetry' between 'thorough' Israeli probe and PA's lackluster one; says progress on boosting Israeli-Saudi ties would be 'game-changer'

Talks focus on regional security issues, threats posed by Iran, report says; meeting comes ahead of Biden visit to the region, as US pushes for cooperation

McGurk, Hochstein make covert trip in effort to finalize transfer of Red Sea islands from Egypt to Saudi Arabia; Israel hopes Riyadh will take steps toward normalization in tandem

Israel's approval needed since Egypt agreed in 1979 peace treaty to demilitarize Tiran and Sanafir; Jerusalem asking Riyadh to take steps toward normalization in exchange