Ali Mugrabi of Channel 13 news says suspects broke his phone and beat him after event near Druze town of Yarka; cameraman accuses cops of turning blind eye

Demonstrators interrupt live report by Channel 14's Atay Shalev, drape flags in front of him and allegedly beat him with flagpoles; Union of Journalists condemns incident

Union of Journalists condemns latest in series of assaults against Channel 13 staff, links it to incitement following onscreen text appearing to blame PM for civilian deaths

Men brought knives, firearm to rally, spoke in video of assaulting opponents; 17-year-old nabbed on suspicion of being part of 'serious and violent' assault on cab driver

Channel 13 reporter Yossi Eli suffers broken rib, cameraman head injury; Lapid blames Netanyahu, Ben Gvir; Gantz urges PM to unequivocally condemn attacks

Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi has vowed to drastically cut funding from Kan in a bid to engender competition, but observers say his plans are misguided and dangerous

Amid coalition desire to slash Kan's funds and push Israel's only public broadcaster out of business, reporters warn against 'tycoons' owning all news stations

Unidentified assailants open fire on Mustafa Sarsour as he speaks with teacher from central Arab town; union of journalists urges police to act

Letters to CEOs of social media behemoths cite tweets and posts in which journalists threatened or verbally assaulted, amid troubling rise in attacks on reporters

At least 20 members of the media have been assaulted while reporting on raging national discord, and one channel has given extra security to anchors as threats proliferate online
