Report confirmed by UNRWA says funds dropped from some $50 million a year to just $1 million in 2020, in possible retribution for Palestinian animosity over peace deal

Trump administration halted support for UNRWA in 2018, leaving the agency with expected annual deficit of $200 million

At Senate confirmation hearing, Linda Thomas-Greenfield says she'll fight BDS, encourage states that have normalized with Israel to back Jerusalem at world forums too

Money to go for schools, clinics, food and shelter; UNRWA has faced financial crisis since US, which like Israel accuses it of perpetuating refugee crisis, pulled funding in 2018

United Nations agency for Palestinians has faced financial crisis since the US, which like Israel accuses it of perpetuating refugee crisis, pulled all funding in 2018

UN Relief and Works Agency has faced financial crisis since the US pulled all funding in 2018, leaving the organization with a massive budgetary shortfall

Jerusalem's new ambassador to Turtle Bay, Gilad Erdan, promises not to 'allow business as usual anymore'; new normalization partners UAE, Bahrain and Sudan vote to condemn Israel

Students in isolated enclave, which hasn't had a major COVID-19 outbreak, not required to wear masks or distance as they return to classroom

Number of cases across West Bank spiking after Israel and later PA eased restrictions in April, May; situation exacerbated by breaches of limits on public assembly and movement

Head of UN Palestinian refugee agency says money is not enough to keep operations running until end of year
