Palestine Today, mouthpiece of Gaza-based terror groups, is among dozens of websites seized by US Justice Department; other sites accused of sowing discord ahead of US elections

Prominent conservative US lawmaker denies claims he had inappropriate sexual relationship with 17-year-old girl, paid her to travel with him

Department of Justice reportedly renews interest in alleged targeting of 1,400 users by Herzliya-based firm after FBI investigation said to stall; NSO says it's unaware of probe

Justice Department investigating 'secret lobbying' plan involving campaign donations; all names are redacted from court filing, but move is aimed at 'senior White House officials'

Law firm representing the British royal says Department of Justice has informed him he is not a target of investigation into alleged sex trafficking by the late financier

Lawyers for CEO in $140 million fraud argued that she was ‘middle management,’ pointed the finger at her bosses Yossi Herzog and Yakov Cohen

'Citizen 865' details the capture of Trawniki Men -- Soviet POWs and Ukrainian civilians trained by the SS who helped murder 1.7 million Jews, and some of whom then came to America

American authorities continue crackdown on widely fraudulent industry that was allowed to flourish in Israel for a decade

In a ruling that affirms the legality of the impeachment inquiry itself, judge orders department to turn over secret grand jury testimony by October 30

Though court denies accusers' request for compensation, judge praises women for drawing national attention to shortcomings in criminal justice system
