FM Zarif announces Xiyue Wang and Massoud Soleimani 'will be joining their families shortly'; Trump confirms Wang freed as both Washington, Tehran thank Swiss

Kelly Craft in first United Nations press conference warns Iran that Washington has 'other tools' if Tehran continues its bad behavior

Report says Rabat also scuppered US Secretary of State's audience with monarch and refused to discuss normalization between Israel and Morocco; PMO dismisses 'lies'

After Netanyahu-Pompeo meeting, State Department officials decline to comment on stance toward possible Jordan Valley annexation; hail Rabat's 'hawkish' position on Iran

Pentagon mulling deployment as violence spreads in Islamic Republic and intelligence points to a growing threat from regime

Charge comes as Pentagon said mulling sending up to 7,000 troops to region; Washington calls Iranian demonstrations 'worst political crisis' ever faced by regime

Masih Alinejad, a women's rights advocate who fled Islamic Republic after 2009 unrest, recently obtained American citizenship

In court, Robert Levinson's son recalls watching his father pack for Middle East trip 13 years ago: 'I was worried something would happen to him... and it did'

Wall Street Journal reports Trump could make decision on increased forces, which includes 'dozens' more naval vessels, as early as this month

Officials say 'significant cache' of weapons, which contravene UN Security Council resolutions on Yemen conflict, showcase Tehran's backing of Houthi rebels in the country
