Sources say allowing Russian, Chinese and European companies to work at Arak and Fordow facilities will aid non-proliferation efforts

Rouhani aide says Jerusalem providing financial help to demonstrators; Khamenei goes on Twitter tirade against Israel and 'Arrogant Powers'

FM Zarif says he hopes to hear 'good news' soon, as Tehran angles for deal with Washington despite recent tensions

Despite housing thousands of US troops, traditional American allies in the Mideast now re-calibrating how far to trust Trump in case frictions with Iran boil over

Senior administration official pushes back against criticism that troop pullout will embolden adversaries, says no change in policy on Iran

Joint statement does not condemn Turkish offensive against Kurds, nor does it call for operation to stop, only cautioning against allowing IS to regain foothold in region

Amid tense relations over Ankara's Syria offensive, US prosecutor calls case of Halkbank the most serious violation of Iran sanctions his office has seen

Senior MP says Tehran will present UN with 'abundant documents' showing 'certain governments' were behind last week's explosions on ship in Red Sea

Khalid bin Mohammed al-Attiyah tells global security conference that a conflict would be 'in no one's interest'

Sources say administration concerned China shipping companies are turning off tracking beacons on vessels to conceal sanction-busting crude cargoes
