'The security of Europe and Asia are closely intertwined,' Japanese defense minister says; agreement comes amid joint flight drills with US

The former Chicago mayor previously served as a congressman and as Barack Obama’s White House chief of staff

American officials reach out to Pyongyang but receive no response; secretaries of state and defense set to begin talks in Japan and South Korea in 1st Cabinet-level trip abroad

Kenneth Weinstein is president of the Hudson Institute and has been deeply involved in the Washington-area Jewish community

Israeli passengers expected to disembark in coming days if test negative for coronavirus; American passengers gripe over 2nd quarantine after they are repatriated from ship

'Securing safety of vessels related to Japan is an important duty of the government,' PM Abe says as Takanami ship departs for rare overseas mission

Tokyo says it'll continue to work closely with Washington even without joining mission aimed at protecting vessels from Iranian attacks

Amid US-Iran tensions, Tehran's leader tells visiting Japanese PM that Trump is not 'deserving' of a response

The late senator had a frosty and contentious relationship, with the p[resident, who denies any knowledge of request

US president forgoes custom of avoiding partisan attacks while abroad to call Democratic candidate Joe Biden a 'low IQ individual'