Syrians in Kurdish-held areas hurl potatoes, obscenities at American forces amid strong feeling of abandonment over withdrawal from country

Defense Secretary Mark Esper says American pullout will take several weeks and all forces will be sent to western Iraq to continue fight against Islamic State

Two days before ceasefire with Turkey expires, troops leave Sarrin base on edge of proposed 'safe zone'

But president rejects US responsibility for region: 'Anyone who wants to assist in protecting the Kurds is good with me, whether it is Russia, China, or Napoleon Bonaparte'

One expert says troop pullout will impact US credibility for years to come; another believes president's stock in Mideast has plummeted while Putin's is skyrocketing

American soldiers prepare to evacuate equipment in advance of a full withdrawal, as Trump threatens Turkey with sanctions over offensive

Defense Secretary Esper says Trump has ordered all 1,000 troops in northern Syria to pull out as quickly as possible; only other presence is small contingent near Jordan border

Abandoned by the US and facing possible 'genocide,' Kurdish fighters will move towards a compromise involving Assad and Russia, leader says

Defense secretary says move comes after the US learned Turkey pressing further in than had been expected; Erdogan asserts threats of sanctions won't stop offensive

At least 24 civilians and 42 soldiers killed, more than 70,000 displaced in offensive, facilitated by US withdrawal, that draws sharp international criticism
