A thriving Jewish center for hundreds of years, the city saw its Jews decimated by the Nazis and local collaborators, a history not all Lithuanians are willing to confront
The post As Vilnius celebrates its 700th anniversary, Lithuanian Jews commemorate a darker one appeared first on The Times of Israel.

PM Ingrida Simonyte files draft legislation to provide 37 million euros in reparations; 95% of country's Jewish population was killed by Nazis and local collaborators

Joint Israeli-Lithuanian six-year excavation in ruins of centuries-old Jewish community center unearths prayer platform, silver pointer used when reading the Torah

Display organized by tourism bosses meant to underline how much cash is being lost by delays linked to Jewish groups' protests over planned construction

About a dozen students from Europe expected to attend learning center when it opens in Lithuanian capital, which saw 90% of its Jewish population murdered in Holocaust

Vilnius municipality had earlier removed a memorial to Jonas Noreika, who is believed to have personally overseen the murder of Jews when the Nazis controlled Lithuania

Local Jewish community leader praises Lithuania's president, PM for promising to protect house of worship after spate of threats

Amid escalating controversy over national commemoration policies, Jewish leader demands government speak out, wonders 'whether we are safe or not'

Once an epicenter of Jewish life, the Baltic state still refuses to come clean about its dark history, critics charge. But recent developments show it is a work in progress

Move comes after city changes name of street from one honoring another collaborator; plaque had been subject of lawsuits and protests
