Up to 50,000 laborers expected to move back to West Bank ahead of Passover, sparking fears of surge in infections; Shtayyeh blasts notion of Israel 'medically annexing' territory
Spokesman says six of the newly confirmed cases traveled from the plant to their West Bank homes and were near other people before health officials tested them for COVID-19
With West Bank shuttered off, laborers say they don't know whether they'll be able to afford groceries in coming days; unionist suggests Israel can help alleviate crisis
Unnamed official tells news network territories cannot be separated in handling virus crisis; ex-director of Health Ministry: 'What happens there will happen here'
Gaza businessman says his company plans to make 25,000 masks every day by the end of March; PA official says firms in West Bank meeting local market's demand
Spokesman says 13 new cases found in West Bank village where woman died; Israeli health chief worried by spread among Palestinians: 'We’re epidemiologically integrated organs'
Palestinian Authority PM says laborers would be 'protected' by going home, since Israel set to announce further restrictions; all who return must self-isolate
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