With mixed messages from the government and a Supreme Court dragging its feet, the status quo of monthly scuffles at the Kotel appears to have no end in sight

President condemns 'all manifestations of physical and verbal violence' amid recent tensions over planned egalitarian area at holy site

PM says 'a lot of money' being raised for campaign; statement comes a week after ultra-Orthodox protest against pluralistic prayer was egged on by Deri, Netanyahu

ToI founding editor David Horovitz and Startup Israel editor Ricky Ben David discuss the details of the coalition's budget success, as well as recent religious scuffles

Heavy police presence keeps situation from escalating, Reform Labor MK and ultra-Orthodox lawmakers also stay away in bid to calm tensions

Reform leader Gilad Kariv to forgo Women of the Wall ceremony after request from president, as police prepare for clashes between progressive group and ultra-Orthodox protesters

Ex-premier retweets post from ultra-Orthodox ally urging supporters to prevent Jerusalem holy site from being 'desecrated' during monthly prayer service by Women of the Wall

AS UTJ's Meir Porush loudly reads Psalms from floor, forcing Knesset panel to temporarily recess; unfazed committee chair tells colleague he's free to protest as he wishes

Extremists snatch suitcase containing books belonging to progressive Jewish worshipers at Western Wall and rip them, claiming that Jewish law demands such contents be destroyed

Reform Rabbi Gilad Kariv says he's proud to use parliamentary rights so Jews can pray according to their custom; ultra-Orthodox lawmaker likens it to smuggling phones to prisoners
