As YWN reported, two massive Chasunos were held in Yerushalayim on Tuesday night. The first Chasunah was held on Rechov Yirmiyahu outside the Gerrer Bais Hamedrash, where thousands gathered to celebrate the marriage of a granddaughter of the Rebbe. The Seudah and dancing were held inside the Gerrer Bais Hamedrash. The second Chasunah was held at the Belzer Bais Hamedrash, where thousands gathered for the marriage of an eighth grandchild of the Belzer Rebbe, the son of his only son, HaRav Aharon Mordechai Rokeach. Afterward, the family members and guests were transported to the Arena stadium in the Malcha neighborhood of southern Jerusalem, where the seudah and dancing were held. Below is drone footage from both Chasunos: (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

A terrorist opened fire at an Israeli civilian driving near Huwara on the way to his home in the Shomron on Tuesday evening. In a neis, the 28-year-old driver was only lightly wounded despite the fact that that the car was hit by 12 bullets, shattering the windows, including the one next to his baby’s car seat [who was Baruch Hashem not in the car at the time.] He continued driving and after arriving in the Shomron, was treated by paramedics for a minor scratch on his shoulder from a glass shard. IDF forces launched a manhunt for the terrorist, who fled the scene following the attack. The attack follows numerous terror attacks in Huwara in recent months, with the most recent one wounding two Israeli soldiers.

A woman was the victim of a strong-armed robbery in broad daylight in Flatbush, Wednesday morning. Flatbush Scoop reported that at around 11:30AM, a suspect approached a female victim on Kings Highway and East 13th Street, displayed a firearm, and stole an expensive Rolex watch. The suspect(s) fled in a black Honda Pilot. The NYPD and Flatbush Shomrim were on the scene in seconds, but the suspect had already fled. Dozens of Shomrim and NYPD were canvassing the area, as an NYPD Chopper hovered overhead searching the area as well. Thanks to incredible NYPD work, the suspect was located around 45 minutes later on Avenue U and West 4th Street. The victim was brought to the location, where she confirmed the identity of the suspect, who was placed under arrest.

Residents of the southern Israeli city of Kiryat Gat were frightened on Wednesday afternoon on hearing a tremendous explosion and seeing a huge plume of smoke in the sky. Videos posted online showed the large mushroom-shaped plume of smoke. There have been no official statements about the cause of the blast but it is likely that it is part of an IDF training drill being carried out at a base nearby. The IDF is currently carrying out a widescale two-week drill called Firm Hand, simulating offensive and defensive strikes in a war scenario. This is a developing story. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie wasted no time going after Donald Trump while launching his presidential campaign on Tuesday, calling the former president and current Republican primary front-runner a “lonely, self-consumed, self-serving mirror hog” and arguing that he’s the only one who can stop him. A onetime federal prosecutor, Christie was among the crowded field of 2016 Republican presidential candidates steamrolled by Trump. Now that Trump is running for the White House a third time, this year’s crop of rivals have no choice but to criticize him relentlessly, or risk political history repeating itself, Christie says.

As the oilam hatorah continues to bask in the light of Sunday’s magnificent Adirei Hatorah event, we are all eager to retain the inspiration and simchas hatorah so acutely felt in those lofty moments. With that in mind, Yeshiva World News is proud to present a one-of-its-kind 3D virtual reality presentation with spatial audio, allowing one to experience the event from a vantage point up front by the dais. Special thank you to all large team of YWN photographers, videographers, and technical staff who covered this event. Sit back and enjoy the ruach of the event in this sneak peak as we partner with a leading provider of virtual reality content to share an hours long version later this week.

I am anxiously awaiting the New York Times’s coverage of Sunday’s Adirei Hatorah event in Philadelphia. Seriously. For months and months, the Times has sicced its “reporters” on covering every aspect of the Orthodox Jewish community in a bad light, skewing data to align with preformulated narratives, highlighting every transgression by any individual within the community and painting it as a community-wide issue, and practically openly advocating for the dissolution of Jewish educational institutions. If they are so intent on shining a light on our community, they should at least have the decency to say what happened Sunday night. More than 25,000 people gathered at Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia to honor and showcase those that spend their days steeped in the study of Torah.

Tens of thousands of Belzer chassidim from Israel and abroad joined the Belzer Rebbe in Jerusalem on Tuesday evening in the largest chasunah ever held by the chassidus. The chasan is the eighth grandchild of the Belzer Rebbe, the son of his only son, HaRav Aharon Mordechai Rokeach, and the kallah is the daughter of HaRav Aharon Brif, Rosh Kollel Gerrer in Ashdod. She is also the granddaughter of HaRav Chaim Dovid Shubacks, a dayan and moreh tzedek and member of the Machzikei HaDas Badatz. The chuppah was held at 7:30 p.m. outside the large Beis Medrash in Kiryat Belz. Afterward, the family members and guests were transported to the Arena stadium in the Malcha neighborhood of southern Jerusalem, where the seudah and dancing are being held.

Iran claimed on Tuesday that it had created a hypersonic missile capable of traveling at 15 times the speed of sound, adding a new weapon to its arsenal as tensions remain high with the United States over Tehran’s nuclear program. The new missile — called Fattah, or “Conqueror” in Farsi — was unveiled even as Iran said it would reopen its diplomatic posts on Tuesday in Saudi Arabia after reaching a détente with Riyadh following years of conflict. The tightly choreographed segment on Iranian state television apparently sought to show that Tehran’s hard-line government can still deploy arms against its enemies across much of the Middle East. “Today we feel that the deterrent power has been formed,” Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said at the event.

Tens of thousands of Gerrer Chassidim attended a massive Chasunah on Tuesday evening of the Gerrer Rebbe’s granddaughter. The Chausunah is taking place in the large Gerrer Beis Medrash on Rechov Yirmiyahu. The kallah is the daughter of the Rebbe’s daughter and son-in-law HaRav Chaim Yehoshua Schorr, Rosh Yeshivas Chiddushei HaRim in Bnei Brak and the chasan is Yisrael Bergman, the son of Rav Menashe Bergman of Tel Aviv. The chuppah took place at 4:15 on Rechov Yirmiyahu and the seudah and dancing are taking place in the Gerrer Beis Medrash. There is also another massive Chasunah tonight, as a grandson of the Belzer Rebbe is getting married. VIDEOS & PHOTOS FOR YWN VIA SHUKI LERER
