Thousands gathered at multiple events in Boro Park on Monday, to greet Hagaon HaRav Dov Landau. The elderly Slabodka Rosh Yeshiva is currently on his second visit to the United States. Crowds gathered at Beth El to hear a Shiur from the Rosh Yeshiva, as well as a massive crowd at Yeshivas Novaminsk, where the Rosh Yeshiva delivered a Shiur. The Rosh Yeshiva also visited Hagaon HaRav Meir Stern in Passaic, and was visited in Boro Park by Hagaon HaRav Elya Brudy The Rosh Yeshiva is staying at the home of philanthropist Reb Shimon Glick in Monsey, and will be visiting Yeshivas in Brooklyn, Lakewood and around the Tri-State area this week. KABOLAS PONIM: VISIT FROM HARAV ELYA BRUDNY VISIT TO NOVAMINSKER YESHIVA

Two Jewish advocacy groups have called on the IRS to investigate whether CUNY Law School violated its tax-exempt status after a graduate delivered a widely condemned “hate speech” during the commencement ceremony. The National Jewish Advocacy Center and International Legal Forum wrote a letter to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel on June 2, urging the agency to review whether the school is engaging in political or lobbying activities that would violate its non-profit status. The controversy arose after Fatima Mousa Mohammed, a 2023 law graduate, accused Israel of indiscriminately murdering Palestinians and criticized the NYPD as “fascist” during her speech on May 12.

At around 3:30 pm on Sunday afternoon, Deal police officers were dispatched to a Jewish home in the area of Monmouth Drive and Ocean Ave after receiving reports of a male trespassing in a driveway of a private residence and looking into vehicles. Officers were provided a description of the suspect and were able to locate and arrest an 18-year-old out of Asbury Park. He was found to be in possession of a knife during the arrest. The suspect, who has not been named by police, was transported to Deal Police Headquarters for processing and charging. He was subsequently charged with one count each of trespassing, unlawful possession of a weapon and possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose.

The massive Adirei Hatorah event was held on Sunday night, but the event is still fresh in our minds, as tens of thousands gathered at the Wells Fargo Arena in Philadelphia to celebrate and honor BMG’s lomdei torah, with thousands more joining live via video and audio hookups of the event. The event, the second from the monumental Adirei Hatorah initiative spearheaded by philanthropist R’ Lazer Scheiner, was attended by numerous Rabbanim and Roshei Yeshiva, including Rav Dov Landau shlit”a and Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman shlit”a, who received a psak allowing him to attend despite the petirah of his, R’ Ezriel zt”l, this past Thursday. Enjoy the following videos that you won’t see anywhere else. YWN will be publishing additional unique footage of this historic event. Stay tuned!

President Isaac Herzog was behind the shiva visit of ex-Labor MK Omer Bar-Lev and Angel owner Yaron Angel to the home of the Rosh Yeshivah, z’tl on Sunday. When Herzog paid the Edelstein family a shiva visit last week, he asked the family members if they would be willing to receive a visit from members of the Angel administration. The Edelstein family agreed and Herzog then spoke with Bar-Lev and Angel and arranged their visit. The Rosh Yeshivah’s sons accepted Bar-Lev and Angel’s apologies. In the video below, Bar-Lev thanks the Edelstein brothers for agreeing to their visit. HaRav Shlomo Edelstein said: “We’re opening a new page. It’s clear that the Rosh Yeshivah, z’tl would forgive you.

Tens of thousands marched on Fifth Avenue yesterday as they marked the 58th annual JCRC-NY Celebrate Israel Parade. For decades hundreds of thousands of Jews from across the world and their supporters have joined together to march in the JCRC-NY Celebrate Israel Parade, showing their support for Israel. The parade this years had over 40,000 marchers, 100,000 spectators, and over 1000 first time marchers.

In a rare event, Shin Bet head Ronen Bar visited HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein, z’tl at the end of March, and as YWN reported at the time, the meeting was held in secrecy and no photos or videos were published. The meeting took place in the wake of the unprecedented protest in Bnei Brak by supposedly anti-judicial reform protesters, whose rhetoric had begun taking on a decidedly anti-Chareidi slant. Bar decided to visit the Rosh Yeshivah, z’tl in order to establish a connection with the leader of the Chareidi sector to try to thwart potential issues in light of the sensitive times. A video of the meeting was publicized on Sunday for the first time.

Tens of thousands gathered in Philadelphia on Sunday evening to celebrate and honor BMG’s lomdei torah, with thousands more joining live via video and audio hookups of the event. Numerous rabbanim, roshei yeshiva, mechanchim, yungerleit, and baalebatim from the Adirei Hatorah initiative joined in the mammoth celebration, joining together to delight in the sheer ecstasy of simchas hatorah. A full recap of the evening’s events, including hundreds of photos and videos, will be published on YWN Monday evening. (An option for those without YouTube access will be published later as well.) (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

More than 25,000 Lomdei and Tomchei Torah streamed to the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia on Sunday to participate in a historic Maamad Hatorah and Kiddush Shem Shamayim. The event, the second from the monumental Adirei Hatorah initiative spearheaded by philanthropist R’ Lazer Scheiner, was attended by numerous Rabbanim and Roshei Yeshiva, including Rav Dov Landau shlit”a and Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman shlit”a, who received a psak allowing him to attend despite the petirah of his, R’ Ezriel zt”l, this past Thursday. At the request of the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva, a live stream was not provided. Full video of the event with thousands of photos will be published by YWN on Monday – thanks to more than 10 YWN photographers stationed around the arena. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis launched a direct attack against Donald Trump on Saturday, ripping into the former president for congratulating North Korean tyrant Kim Jong Un upon his country’s appointment to the World Health Organization’s executive board. Trump later directly congratulated KJU over the undeserved honor. Asked by reporters for his take on Trump’s congratulations, DeSantis said he was “surprised to see that.” “I think, one, Kim Jong Un is a murderous dictator. They just imprisoned for life a family, including an infant, which is just outrageous. And then, the World Health Organization is a bankrupt organization. Like, Kim Jong Un is bad, but then joining that?
