A 14-year-old male was stabbed in Flatbush on Wednesday afternoon. The incident occurred at Ditmas Avenue near Coney Island Avenue just before 3:00pm. Flatbush Hatzolah transported the victim to Maimonides Hospital. He appeared to be in stable condition. The NYPD is looking for two Hispanic males around 14-years-old who fled the scene on bicycles. Sources tell YWN that the victim is a student at a local public school. THIS STORY WAS FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE FLATBUSH SCOOP STATUS CLICK HERE SIGN UP TO THE FLATBUSH SCOOP WHATSAPP STATUS TO BE INFORMED OF FLATBUSH NEWS IN LIVE TIME (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

A disturbing video has surfaced showing a man viciously attacking two NYPD officers while they were conducting a smoke shop inspection in the Bronx. The incident occurred on Monday afternoon around 2 p.m. at the busy intersection of 231st Street and Broadway. The footage, which was posted on the NYC Scoop Twitter feed, captures the moment when 45-year-old Jose Garcia sneaks up behind one of the uniformed female officers and smacks her on the head with a bottle. He then proceeds to charge at her and swings at another officer who was standing next to her. Fortunately, the officers were able to subdue the attacker with the help of at least one other person.

Protesters against the Netanyahu government burst into a memorial ceremony for Holocaust victims in a shul in Tel Aviv on Monday evening, Yom HaShoah. A video of the incident shows the protesters heckling Likud MK Boaz Bismuth, who was speaking at the event, calling “Busha, busha.” The hecklers aroused the ire of many of those attending the ceremony who began to shout at them, causing a raucous dispute in the shul. יום השואה נמצא מעבר לכל מחלוקת פוליטית או עמדה מפלגתית אחרת. את הנאצים לא עניינה העמדה הפוליטית או המפלגתית של היהודים – אלא אך ורק יהדותם. צריך לשמור על קדושת היום הזה ולא להתעסק בדבר מלבד שורדי השואה וששת המיליון שנרצחו באכזריות על ידי הנאצים שניסו להשמידנו! נזכור ולא נשכח.

Three yeshivah bochurim from Elad were caught in the flash floods last week in the Aravah, which caused the tragic death of the Assor siblings. The bochurim were in a precarious situation, on the verge of a certain death, and even said Vidui, but then they were miraculously saved, Kikar H’Shabbat reported. In a video of the scene, the three bochurim, who were trapped in their car in the heart of the floods, can be heard reciting Vidui and calling out for help. On Monday evening, the bochurim held a seudas hodaah at the Siach Yitzchak shul in Elad, with the participation of family members and close friends, Elad Mayor Yisrael Porush and other city officials. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell praised Senator Dianne Feinstein as a “titanic figure” while criticizing the attempts to replace her as a Judiciary Committee member. The 89-year-old Feinstein was diagnosed with shingles in February and has been recovering at home in California. Last week, she released a statement saying that she was unable to return to the Senate due to complications related to her diagnosis, but promised to continue working from home until she was cleared to travel. Feinstein requested that another Democratic senator temporarily take her place on the Judiciary Committee to prevent any delays in the committee’s important work. However, McConnell opposed this idea, citing the need for all committee members to be present.

A parking garage has partially collapsed in Lower Manhattan leaving multiple injured. The parking garage is located at 57 Ann Street between Nassau Street and William Street. The floors of the three-story building on Ann Street collapsed at around 4:15 p.m., sending cars crashing down. Several people inside the garage were injured. Firefighters were working on reaching the victims.
The post BREAKING: Parking Garage Collapses In Lower Manhattan; Injuries Reported[VIDEOS] appeared first on The Yeshiva World.

The moments of the terror attack on Tuesday morning which injured two Brelover chassidim can be seen in footage from security cameras. The terrorist walked up to the car, stopped at the light, and shot at the car from point-blank range. In a huge neis, the terrorist’s gun apparently jammed, preventing him from continuing to fire. The victims of the attacks were regular mispallelim at Kever Shimon HaTzaddik. One of them is a well-known figure at the tzion who has been delivering a shiur in Kabbalah at the tzion for the past 20 years. In another neis, seconds before the attack, the chavrusah of the victim passed by the site riding a bike. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

An El Al pilot infuriated some passengers on a flight from Israel to New York on Tuesday when he made a political statement over the public address system. The pilot announced [in Hebrew and English]: “I want to mention Holocaust Day because things like this can only happen in a dictatorship and the State of Israel is fighting for its democracy these days.” El Al Airlines issued a statement in response to the incident, saying: “El Al Airlines condemns political statements of any kind by any of its personnel as part of their work and certainly not on its planes, which cannot be a platform for this type of activity. The company instructs that it be avoided, especially on such a sensitive and significant day for Am Yisrael.

A car with five yeshivah bochurim who were on their way to visit the tzion of Reb Shayele ben Moshe in Kerestir, Hungary, overturned. In a neis, the bochurim were only lightly injured although the car was badly damaged. Emergency medical forces who arrived at the scene administered emergency medical aid and evacuated them to the hospital for evaluation. “They simply experienced a neis,” a witness told B’Chadrei Chareidim. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

IDF soldiers and Border Guard officers carried out a counterterrorism operation in Jenin on Tuesday afternoon, arresting two “ticking bomb” terrorists planning an imminent “significant attack.” According to Palestinian reports, the first forces were undercover Border Guard officers disguised as Arabs driving a produce truck. Local Arabs began shooting at them and a heavy gun battle ensued. Six Palestinians were injured. Heavy confrontations in Jenin between Palestinian Resistance and the israeli occupation forces israeli military sends helicopters to aid their troops coming under heavy fire from the Resistance pic.twitter.com/NwhpwkfcaD — Hussein (@EyesOnSouth) April 18, 2023 (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
