Monsey will soon be receiving thousands of new cutting edge LED street lights thanks to a pioneering initiative led by Town Of Ramapo Supervisor Michael B. Specht. Specht told the Monsey Scoop that the “street lighting installation campaign hopes to create a brighter and safer Ramapo.” “This will help ensure the safety of our residents and visitors as they traverse our roadways,” he added. As part of this groundbreaking campaign, the Township will be installing new street lights along Main street and all throughout the township. In total, a staggering 3,500 new street lights will be installed, including in numerous areas which currently lack proper lighting. (YWN World Headquarters- NYC)

The Rav of the Kosel, Rav Shmuel Rabinowitz, supervised the removal of the notes placed between the Kosel stones in the past six months on Sunday morning. The process was carried out according to halachic guides using gloves and disposable wooden utensils. The notes were collected in sacks and will be buried as sheimos in a genizah. The minhag of placing notes between the Kosel stones was mentioned by the Ohr Chayim HaKadosh about 300 years ago. “An average of about 3,000 notes are sent every month through the website of the Western Wall Heritage Foundation in addition to the hundreds of thousands of notes personally placed by visitors,” the foundation stated.

A shocking violent incident occurred during a left-wing protest in Tel Aviv last Sunday, when dozens of protesters broke into an empty home, ransacked and looted its contents and burned it in a bonfire on the Ayalon Highway. The protests in Tel Aviv that day had deteriorated into violence and complete anarchy as thousands blocked the Ayalon for hours, lit bonfires, and confronted the police. According to a Channel 14 report, at one point, dozens of protesters began looking for more incendiary material for the fires they were setting. They dismantled a wooden fence nearby and when they noticed an empty residence, they broke into it, dismantled its windows and doors, looted its contents, including closets, tables, chairs, and beds, and burned it in bonfires on the highway.

With Donald Trump being arraigned in New York on hush money payment charges on Tuesday, analysts are already looking ahead to the expected trial and wondering how things will play out. Former Attorney General Bill Barr, who served under President Trump, has a word of advice for the former commander-in-chief: don’t take the stand to defend yourself. “I’m not his lawyer. Generally, I think it’s a bad idea to go on the stand, and I think it’s a particularly bad idea for Trump because he lacks all self-control, and it would be very difficult to prepare him and keep him testifying in a prudent fashion,” Barr said on Fox News.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams is telling New Yorkers not to worry about the drama that will unfold in Manhattan on Tuesday when Trump is indicted, saying that the NYPD will maintain peace and calm. “New York City is our home, not a playground for your misplaced anger,” he said to anyone who is planning to protest Trump’s arrest. Adams also warned conservative firebrand Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to “be on your best behavior.” Greene has been planning to protest Trump’s indictment during Tuesday’s proceedings. The mayor said that everyone has a right to protest, but it most be done peacefully, a sentiment that was echoed by NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell.

Chief Rav of Tehran, HaRav Yehudah Gerami, performed three brisos on Sunday morning, including a pair of twins. Rav Gerami served as the mohel for all three brissos. The babies were named Avraham, Moshe and Aharon. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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When famed Israeli singer Yishai Ribo was 16, he wrote a song that his family grew to love, especially his mother. Every Erev Pesach, his mother would ask: “Yishai, when are you releasing your song to the world?” Last year on Leil HaSeder, Yishai promised her that this would be the year. Around Purim time, he remembered his promise and despite the short amount of time remaining until Pesach, he went to the studio to record a song. “Apparently in the zechus of kibud horim, [the song was recorded] with extraordinary Siyata Dishmaya – the vibe, the production, and my wonderful band – it all came together in just a few days,” Ribo wrote.

Mala, a Burmese worker in the Chabad house in Bangkok, Thailand, recently sang Vehi Sheamda together with dozens of Chabad bochurim. The amusing video was published on the Hebrew-language Chabad COL website. The bochurim are in Thailand to assist in the preparation of the huge public sedarim offered at Chabad houses throughout the country on Pesach. Chabad shliach in Bangkok Rav Nechemia Wilhelm spoke to Artuz Sheva last month about the new Chabad Center in Bangkok. “After so many years in Thailand, finally we have our own place, a place for the Jewish people where everybody can come here and make himself at home,” he said. “Every year in Thailand we used to have about 5,000 guests. Now after COVID, we have much more.

As YWN reported last week, A Pesach getaway program scheduled to take place at the Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City, NJ, has dissolved into disaster due to what the director of the Pesach program described as a “huge financial scam.” Many people are wondering what happened, and on Motzei Shabbos, Zev Brenner of talkline Communications interviewed Heshy Goldstein, the owner of Aryeh Hospitality on the Atlantic City Pesach program Debacle. Was it a bad gamble or Fraud? Scam or was the owner conned? What happens to the money for those that paid for the Passover program? Was the owner scammed as he claimed or is there more to the story? Listen to the show below: Click here to listen on all podcast platforms (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Former Israeli Consul-General to New York Asaf Zamir who was dismissed from his position last week called Israel a “US protectorate” in an interview on Channel 12 News on Motzei Shabbos. “The most important thing for me to say is…we’re losing the US – and we’re a protectorate of the US and in many ways, we’re trapped in this relationship,” Zamir said. Zamir was slammed for his comments on social media and later “clarified” his remark on Twitter. “An unsuccessful statement.
