Joe Biden, our octogenarian president with a brain that is coming closer to resembling mashed potatoes each day, once again demonstrated his waning mental acuity when asked a simple, straightforward question by a reporter at the White House. “What are your thoughts on Saudi Arabia and Iran re-establishing diplomatic relations, sir?” a female reporter asked Biden as he left an event. Biden stopped, turned, and then let this gem fly. “The better the relations between Israel and their Arab neighbors, the better for everybody,” the president said. And just like that, he left the room. While his sentiment is certainly welcome, it also didn’t answer the question. Israel didn’t normalize relations with Saudi Arabia – its archnemesis Iran did.

The Paley family on Monday marked the sheloshim of their children Asher and Yaakov, h’yd, who were murdered in the Ramot terror attack. Reb Avraham Paley left the hospital for the first time for the unveiling of his son’s matzeivos. He was being transferred from Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital for rehabilitation in Hadassah Har HaTzofim and on the way, he was brought to the beis hakevaros. He arrived at Har Hamenuchos in a United Hatzalah ambulance, accompanied by family members and friends. Reb Paley burst into tears when he saw his sons’ kevarim: “Metukim – I didn’t manage to part from you. We thank Hakadosh Baruch Hu Who gave you to us.

President Joe Biden on Monday told Americans the nation’s financial systems were safe, seeking to project calm following the swift and stunning collapse of two banks that prompted fears of a broader upheaval. “Your deposits will be there when you need them,” he said. U.S. regulators closed the Silicon Valley Bank on Friday after it experienced a traditional bank run, where depositors rushed to withdraw their funds all at once. It is the second largest bank failure in U.S. history, behind only the 2008 failure of Washington Mutual. But the financial bloodletting was swift; New York-based Signature Bank also failed.

As the Shin Bet continues its investigation of the attempted bus bombing attack in Beitar Illit, new details are emerging about the neis of the averted disaster in the Chareidi city. According to a preliminary investigation, the terrorist, who was arrested along with four additional suspects over Shabbos, boarded a bus to Beitar Illit holding an improvised explosive device in the Gilo neighborhood of Jerusalem. During the ride to Beitar, he placed the device on the bus, got off at one of the stops in the city, and activated the charger from his cell phone. B’Chasdei Hashem, the device exploded only partially, preventing a mass disaster. Meanwhile, the terrorist boarded another bus toward Jerusalem and got off at a bus stop where a car with his accomplices was waiting for him.

A preliminary indictment was filed on Sunday against four Arab teenagers for throwing Molotov cocktails and stones at Hadassah Har HaTzofim hospital. An investigation into the case was opened last month after a report was received of a number of suspects from Issawiya throwing firebombs at the hospital. The investigation revealed that the suspects were involved in two additional cases of throwing Molotov cocktails at the hospital and at a passing bus. “This is another example of how criminals and lawbreakers – at a relatively young age – don’t shy away from any means in trying to harm human life and property, despite the fact that this is a hospital that saves the lives of people in the entire region, both Jews and Arabs,” the police said.

The children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, zt’l, davened at his kever on Friday. HaRav Chaim’s actual yahrtzeit was on Wednesday, Shushan Purim, but since his petirah was on Friday, he was buried two days later, on Sunday, in order to allow as many people as possible to attend the levaya. The children davened at a vasikin minyan and went to the kever immediately afterward. Hundreds of people davened at the kever on Wednesday and Thursday. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

A pair of thieves carried out a brazen robbery in the heart of Williamsburg on Thursday, surveilling and breaking into their victim’s vehicle as he davened mincha at a local shul. Shortly after 5 on Thursday, a Chasidic Jew parked his vehicle in front of 152 Rodney Street and exited to daven mincha at the Satmar shul. Unbeknownst to him, two men had been following him, with the suspects knowing that he was carrying expensive diamonds in his minivan. And they were intent on getting their hands on it. As the jewelry’s owner entered the shul to daven, one of the suspects kept an eye on him – even entering the shul to make sure he was occupied. The other then broke the rear window of the vehicle and removed a bag containing approximately $22,000 worth of jewelry.

In a joint operation by IDF soldiers, the Shin Bet, and the soldiers of the Gideon unit of the Israel Police, the terrorist who tried to blow up a bus in Beitar Illit on Thursday night was arrested over Shabbos. After receiving targeted intelligence information from the Shin Bet, IDF soldiers and police officers apprehended the terrorist in the village of Battir in the Etzion Brigade area. Four other Palestinians suspected of aiding the terrorist were arrested as well. A serious disaster in Beitar Illit was thwarted on Thursday night after a terrorist placed an explosive device on a bus and then got off, intending to detonate it from afar while he was safely out of harm’s way. B’Chasdei Hashem, the device failed to explode.

Chief Rabbi of Tehran Rav Yehudah Gerami organized a festive Purim party for dozens of Jewish children. During the party, Rav Gerami asked the children questions about the Megillah and gave out prizes. As seen in the videos below, the party was packed with excited children and some exhausted-looking parents. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
The post WATCH: Jewish Children Celebrate Purim In Modern-Day Persia appeared first on The Yeshiva World.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who flew to Italy on Thursday afternoon, was informed of the Tel Aviv terror attack while on a visit to the main Sephardi shul in Rome. During the meeting with the members of the Jewish kehilla in the shul, Netanyahu received an update on the attack from his military secretary Brigadier-General Avi Gil. Netanyahu mentioned the attack in his speech and sent his wishes for a refuah sheleimah to the wounded. המזכיר הצבאי של נתניהו האלוף אבי גיל מעדכן את נתניהו בפרטי הפיגוע בתל אביב — Itamar Eichner (@itamareichner) March 9, 2023 ביבי מקבל פתק ובו עידכון על האירוע בתל אביב. קודם לכן המזכיר הצבאי אבי גיל יצא מבית הכנסת ברומא להתעדכן וביקש מטופז לוק לעדכן את הבוס.
