The UTJ MKs went to the home of the Gadol HaDor, HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein, on Wednesday to share the good news of the success of the right-wing bloc in the polls, including the Chareidi parties. “We came to thank the Rosh Yeshivah who succeeded in arousing the public and bringing them to the polls,” UTJ chairman Moshe Gafni said. The Rosh Yeshivah replied: “It’s Kavod Shamayim.” MK Yaakov Asher then noted that the majority of MKs in the emerging coalition are Shomer Shabbos. Watch the video below: (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

As the election results showed a clear right-wing victory on Wednesday, the Rosh Yeshivah of Kisei Rachamim, HaGaon HaRav Meir Mazuz instructed that Tachanun shouldn’t be recited. After Shemoneh Esrei of Mincha Gedolah in his Beis Medrash in Bnei Brak, Rav Mazuz told the chazzan to skip Tachanun. The Rosh Yeshivah explained: “We’re b’simcha that we won and we need to thank HaKadosh Baruch Hu. There were those who thought that Lieberman, yimach shemo v’zichro, would swallow us all. He fought against Torah and religion.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

After Shacharis on Wednesday morning at the main shul in the Ramat Elchanan neighborhood of Bnei Brak, HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein led the shul in reciting Mizmor L’Todah to thank Hashem for the election results. “Rabboseinu say that in the future all the korbanos will be revoked except for the korban todah,” HaRav Zilberstein said. “But the korban todah can’t be revoked, it will always exist.” “Hakadosh Baruch Hu is showing us a bit of a ‘beaming face,’ [‘פנים שוחקות’] so come let us say together Mizmor L’Todah. We can’t bring korbonos so at least let’s recite Mizmor L’Todah.” Rav Zilberstein then proceeded to recite Mizmor L’Todah with great emotion passuk by passuk as the congregation recited after him. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

YWN has already published numerous videos of impersonating NYC employees ripping down Lee Zeldin for Governor signs all over Jewish communities in NYC. But now YWN has footage of NYC employees as well as a New York State Assemblyman doing the same. If this isn’t a sign of utter desperation, we don’t know what is. The first video below is New York State Assemblyman Peter Abbate, Jr, who was caught red-handed tearing down Lee Zeldin signs in Bensonhurst Brooklyn. The Assemblyman made special mention of the “disgrace in Boro Park at how many signs there are over there.” The next video is a New York City Sanitation employee driving down Avenue N near Nostrand Avenue, stopping his car, and yanking a sign from in front of a private home.

An Arab man tried to force a Chareidi woman in her 20s into his car on a street in Tiveria on Tuesday. B’Chasdei Shamayim, she managed to escape from him and she immediately reported the incident to the police. The woman later said: “He attacked me from behind and tried to pull me into his car. I fought him and I managed to free myself from him. I was saved by a neis, it could have ended in a disaster – I fell on the street while I was struggling with him a second before a bus passed and I was almost run over. I went through the worst nightmare of my life.” The woman reported the incident to the police, who quickly arrived at the scene and began carrying out searches.

A chassan in Ashdod went to the polls to be mekayeim the mitzvah of voting moments before his chuppah. A video circulated on social media showing the chassan at his voting station dressed in his shtreimel and kapota. The chasunah is taking place in Bnei Brak. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)  
The post WATCH: Chassan Votes Minutes Before His Chuppah appeared first on The Yeshiva World.

With Election Day just a week away, Republican gubernatorial candidate Rep. Lee Zeldin, NY-17 Congressional candidate Mike Lawler, and former NY Gov. George Pataki, met with various leading rabbanim and askonim in the Monsey area today. The meetings began this morning at the home of of Rav Mordche Steiner shlit”a, one of the foremost rabbanim in Monsey, followed by a visit to Rav Chaim Shia Halberstam shlit”a, rav of the Satmar Williamsburg kehilla in Monsey. Former Gov. Pataki noted during this first meeting that since leaving office, he has never campaigned for other Republican candidates in the state, but he is now campaigning for Lee Zeldin because he believes in him and is confident he can win.

Around 40 years ago, Hagaon HaRav Avigdor Miller was asked at his weekly Shiur about an upcoming election where Democrat Elizabeth Holtzman was running for Congress in New York’s 16th congressional district. QUESTION: What can we learn from the election of Elizabeth Holtzman (Democrat, House of Representatives, New York)? RAV MILLER’S ANSWER: “We can learn that the public is not aware of the necessity of protecting their interests. It’s important for the Orthodox public to finally wake up and protect their interests. The Orthodox Jews have to wake up and realize they have to vote not for what somebody promises to give them some benefit, some handout, some small program or some privilege.

The Boyaner Rebbe, a member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, became an Israeli citizen and voted for the first time in his life on Tuesday. The Rebbe is a US citizen and until now, has refrained from becoming an Israeli citizen. According to a B’Chadrei Chareidim report, after the gathering of the Moetzes in the summer, the Rebbe questioned how he could sit on the Moetzes and instruct his chassidim to vote when he himself doesn’t vote. He subsequently made aliyah, becoming an Israeli citizen so he could vote. There was much excitement in the chassidus about the Rebbe voting and the chassidim embarked on a campaign to encourage more people to vote in order to increase kavod Shamayim. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

A bear in apparent search of a minyan entered the Ohr Shlomo Chasidic Center, aka the Carlebach Shul, in Pomona on Sunday night, walked around for a bit, and upon finding nobody to join him, left. Being near wooded areas, bears are not uncommon sightings around the shul, but a bear in the shul isn’t an everyday occurrence. In this case, someone left a door to the shul’s teen minyan room open, providing the oversized mammal with an opportunity to get inside. Fortunately, the bear was unaware of the kitchen that is right next to the bais medrash and didn’t make it in. THIS STORY WAS FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE MONSEY SCOOP STATUS CLICK HERE SIGN UP TO THE MONSEY SCOOP WHATSAPP STATUS TO BE INFORMED OF MONSEY NEWS IN LIVE TIME (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
