A group of frum girls were nearly carjacked and kidnapped during a terrifying and brazen attempted carjacking at a Boro Park gas station on Sunday night. According to reports, the carjacker jumped into a Honda Odyssey occupied by three girls as it was being filled with gas at 18th Avenue and 60th Street, in an attempt to make off with it. “He was totally cursing them out the whole time they were in the car with him,” the mother of one of the girls told YidInfo. “They started screaming as soon as he got inside, so he locked them in.

Arab students waved PLO flags and sang anti-Israel songs at Ben-Gurion University in Be’er Sheva on Monday at a pro-Palestinian demonstration approved by the administration. Jewish students waving Israeli flags held a counter-demonstration nearby and dozens of security guards secured the area to ensure no violence would break out. One of the university’s security guards was seen waving a PLO flag along with the students! Following the incident, Beer Sheva Mayor Ruvik Danilovich sent a scathing letter to the president of the university, Prof. Daniel Haimovich. “I received a shocking video from the campus of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, here in the State of Israel, and I could not remain indifferent,” he wrote.

In a video message from a hospital bed, Dr. Zev Zelenko said his health condition has taken a turn for the worse, with an MRI and a TE finding a tumor in his heart’s right ventricle, with a blood clot sitting above the tumor. Dr. Zelenko is currently on blood thinners to dissolve the clot and doctors will hopefully be able to treat the tumor it is sitting on, as well as tumors present in his lung. Despite the grim diagnosis, Dr. Zelenko said he will continue fighting for what he believes in and is in a “very good state of mind.” “My resolve to help humanity, the vulnerable, the innocent, decent people overcome this terrible darkness and plague that is upon us has never been stronger,” he says.

The 41st Central Siyum Harambam took place on Lag Baomer night in front of 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights with over 15,000 men women and children in attendance, marking the conclusion of the 41st cycle of learning Rambam — studying three chapters of Rambam daily, as instituted by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 5744 (1984). The event began with the recitation of the twelve Pesukim, followed by a Siyum made by a young boy on the Rambam’s Sefer Hamitzvos, which is traditionally studied by children as part of the Rambam initiative. The crowd was addressed by Rabbi Leibel Williger, Rosh Kolel Torah Vodaas, who spoke about the connection between Lag B’Omer and Moshiach, and why to never give up on any Jew.

Rav Meir Nachman Elhadad lost two sons in the Meron disaster last year and despite his loss, remained a pillar of emunah. Over the past year, he has served as a source of chizzuk, not only for the other families who lost their relatives in the disaster, but even for those who suffered other misfortunes over the past year. Just one example is the close relationship he formed with an Israeli man who lost his wife and children in a devastating car accident. In the video below HaRav Elahadad sings “Ad Masai” on Lag B’Omer. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

As one of the most joyous days on the Jewish calendar, Lag B’omer is a time when many Yidden seek brachos and yeshuos. The legendary pilgrimage to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai’s resting place in Meron is also seen by many as an opportunity to daven for everything they need, materially and spiritually. Across the globe as well, Yidden take the opportunity on the auspicious day of Lag B’omer to visit kivrei tzaddikim and invoke the zechus of their holy souls on high to beseech on their behalf. The Lubavitcher Rebbe zt”l explains how according to Kabbalah (and even with some implications in Halacha), the gravesites of all tzaddikim around the world are interconnected.

This song was dedicated Le’Ilui Nishmas Dovi Steinmetz Z”L who returned his holy Neshama in the Miron tragedy of 2021. For the Dovi Steinmetz Ani Maamin initiative www.animaamin.net The song can be viewed and listened with multiple options available below: Written & Composed by: Mrs. E.

As the coalition teeters on its last legs and new elections loom, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is changing his tactics, swiveling from his recently adopted centrist position back to his past right-wing positions. Bennett, the former head of the Yesha Council (an umbrella organization of local authorities in Yehudah, Shomron, and the Jordan Valley) had not visited one community in Yehudah and Shomron since he began serving as prime minister. That changed in the past two days when he visited Elkana in the Shomron on Tuesday and Keida in Binyamin on Wednesday. Bennett was not welcomed with open arms. Almost 600 people signed a petition before his visit to Elkanah demanding that it be canceled. His visit wasn’t canceled but he was greeted by dozens of protesters.

Lag Baomer by Reb Meilich Biederman Lag Baomer by the Toldos Aharon Rebbe – lighting a Medura on Shivtei Yisroel Street Lag Baomer At The Kosel Lag Baomer at the Sadigura Rebbe Lag Baomer by the Chernoble Rebbe Lag Baomer by the Vishnitzer Rebbe Lag Baomer by Seret Vishnitz Lag Baomer by the Toldos Avrahm Yitzchak Rebbe   Lag Baomer by the Sadigur Rebbe of London – Wearing the Gartel of the Ruzhiner Rebbe Lag Baomer by Hagaon HaRav Shaul Alter, Rosh Yeshivas Pnei Menachem Lag Baomer by the Pinsk-Karliner Rebbe Lag Baomer by the Alexander Rebbe (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

A heartbreaking look back at the 45 victims of last years horrific tragedy at Meron on Lag Baomer. YWN mourns their loss along with Klal Yisroel as we mark the first Yartzheit of these Kedoshim Z”L.
The post MOVING FOOTAGE: A Heartbreaking Look At The 45 Meron Kedoshim As We Mark The First Yartzheit appeared first on The Yeshiva World.
