Sunday saw a flurry of high-level reassurances to the Jewish communities in NYC following a recent string of hate crimes. The day began with a visit by NYC Mayor DeBlasio to Boro Park, followed by an extremely warm visit to Flatbush by Rodney Harrison, the NYPD Chief of Department, where the Chief spent nearly three hours walking the streets, talking to random residents and store owners, and listening to their concerns and fears. The day ended with a visit to Flatbush by NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea, who visited the Agudah of Avenue L as they were Davening Mincha / Maariv. The Commissioner was joined by Richie Taylor Commanding Officer of Community Affairs, Lt.

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky said on a radio show he won’t be getting the COVID-19 vaccine, but that he might change his mind if people who previously contracted the disease are getting reinfected at a greater rate than those who are vaccinated. The Republican — more than a year after contracting COVID-19 — said on a podcast released Sunday on WABC-AM in New York that he doesn’t want the federal government ordering him around. “In a free country you would think people would honor the idea that each individual would get to make their medical decisions,” Paul said. ”Are they going to also tell me I can’t have a cheeseburger for lunch? Are they going to tell me I have to eat carrots only and cut my calories? All that would probably be good for me.

President Biden said on Friday that the Democratic Party still supports Israel following the hostility toward Israel displayed by progressive Democrats during Operation Guardian of the Walls and the resolutions introduced by Democrats Sen. Bernie Sanders and Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Mark Pocan and Rashida Tlaib to block a weapons sale to Israel. Speaking during a joint press conference with South Korean President Moon Jae-in, Biden said: “There is no shift in my commitment to the security of Israel. Period. No shift, not at all.” “But I’ll tell you what there is a shift in: we need a two-state solution,” Biden continued. “It is the only answer.” Biden then said he was committed to rebuilding Gaza without allowing Hamas to rebuild its weapons systems.

Following a string of disturbing hate crimes in multiple areas of NYC including Boro Park and Flatbush the past few days, NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio visited the Boro Park community to denounce the attacks. DeBlasio visited the 66 Precinct on 16th Avenue where he was joined by NYPD Chief of Department Rodney Harrison, Capt Jason Hagestad CO 66, Deputy Inspector Richie Taylor, CO Community Affairs, Rabbi Jack Meyer and Rabbi Bernard Freilach, Police Liaisons in Boro Park, as well as a Boro Park Shomrim Coordinator. The Mayor made clear that the NYPD will be out in force in Jewish Communities. “We will not tolerate hate crimes”, DeBlasio said. “We will find the perpetrators. We will stop them.

Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh thanked Iran on Friday for supplying weapons and funding to Gaza during the conflict with Israel. In a televised address, Haniyeh also said he will continue to “defend and fight for Jerusalem,” including the liberation of the al-Aqsa Mosque in the Old City and the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in Eaast Jerusalem. “Jerusalem remains the center of the conflict,” he asserted. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

A man accused of setting fire to a yeshiva and synagogue in Brooklyn earlier this week has been arrested and faces federal arson charges for attempting to damage the religious centers in addition to targeting a man in Hasidic garb, federal authorities announced Saturday. Federal prosecutors allege Ali Alaheri, 29, intentionally set fire to a yeshiva and synagogue early Wednesday morning on 36th Street near Borough Park. They accuse the Brooklyn man of stacking piles of garbage next to the building and setting them on fire. Alaheri, seen on surveillance video igniting the blaze, was also recorded attacking a man who wore traditional Hasidic garb a few hours later on the same block as the yeshiva, federal authorities said.

Agudath Israel of America has condemned, in the strongest possible terms, the senseless, antisemitic attacks against Jews in New York City, Los Angeles, and elsewhere around the country. The idea that unrest in the Middle East justifies gang violence and “Jew-hunting” is horrifying. In New York City, Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Agudah’s executive vice president, and Mr. Shlomo Werdiger, chairman of Agudah’s board of trustees, reached out to Mayor Bill de Blasio to request an urgent meeting to address this critical matter. Mr. de Blasio responded immediately and convened an emergency meeting of Jewish leaders at New York City Hall. In addition to Mr. Werdiger and Rabbi Zwiebel, the Jewish delegation included Mr.

An emergency meeting was held on Friday afternoon, between NYPD Brass and community leaders in Boro Park and Flatbush in light of the recent hate crimes and protests around the city. The meeting was held at Misaskim Headquarters in Boro Park and was very well attended by every Precinct Commander in the area as well as the NYPD Chiefs, Hate Crimes Deputy Inspector Jessica Corey, who participated via phone from Police Headquarters in Manhattan, and many Community Affairs Officers. Deputy Chief Ruel Stephenson XO of Patrol Boro Brooklyn South told the gathering that the NYPD is taking these incidents very seriously and are actively investigating any incidents that have occurred.

Three people are in critical condition after a head-on crash in South Fallsburg, Friday afternoon. Catskills Hatzolah, MobileMedics and Fallsburg Fire Department all responded to the crash at around 12:00PM in front of Skolya Bungalow Colony. Victims were pinned in the vehicle, and extrication was needed to remove them. There are three critical patients, one of whom is in traumatic arrest. Three Medevacs have landed to airlift the victims. DEVELOPING STORY JOIN THE TENS OF THOUSANDS WHO ALREADY ARE ALERTED OF BREAKING NEWS LIKE THIS IN LIVE TIME: YWN WHATSAPP STATUS UPDATES: CLICK HERE to join the YWN WhatsApp Status. YWN WHATSAPP GROUPS: CLICK HERE to be added to an official YWN WhatsApp Group. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Joseph Borgen, 29, was the victim who was senselessly beaten by protesters in the Times Square area during anti-Israel demonstrations. Also, the NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force said it was investigating the assault of a Jewish man in Times Square on Thursday evening. The incident promoted tweets from NYC Mayor DeBlaiso, NY Governor Cuomo, and NYC Mayoral Candidate Eric Adams. Borgen describes the assault in the video below via MyFoxNY: There can be NO tolerance for anti-Semitism in our city. This hate crime must be swiftly & thoroughly investigated & the guilty brought to justice. Hate has no place here. All races & religions must feel safe in NYC & we must be a model of diversity for the world.
