'Huwara needs to be wiped out. I think the State of Israel should do it,' top Netanyahu ally says, days after settlers rampaged through West Bank town following terror attack

Investigation comes after Otzma Yehudit's Zvika Fogel said 'a closed, burnt Huwara – that’s what I want to see’ after deadly riot by extremists

With a Palestinian man killed, cars, homes torched in revenge for fatal terror attack, National Security Committee head says: 'A closed, burnt Huwara - that's what I want to see'

Shabtai says national security minister sets policy but enforcement at discretion of officers in the field, as far-right lawmaker urges him to fall in line with government policy

Rothman, an architect of the controversial judicial overhaul, slams warning that opposition to the move 'will end in violence,' calls Mandelblit 'a disgrace'

PM insists legal overhaul will be advanced responsibly, equates far-right coalition MK's call to arrest opposition chiefs with signs by protesters likening government to Nazis

Otzma Yehudit lawmakers defend fellow party member who called for placing Lapid and Gantz in cuffs, saying it was only meant metaphorically, and that other side's remarks are worse

Otzma Yehudit leader tells MKs police will not go after political opponents; Netanyahu says democracies don't arrest opposition chiefs, but civil disobedience calls unacceptable

President reportedly asks justice minister to 'soften' judicial overhaul plan, vows to protect values laid out in Declaration of Independence, which he says should guide nation

Zvika Fogel of far-right Otzma Yehudit says ex-premier and other politicians should be locked up for backing mass protests against judicial makeover and warning of civil war
