Prosecutors say actor not vindicated yet but will no longer pursue involuntary manslaughter accusation over accidental killing of cinematographer

Star actor accused for involuntary manslaughter along with weapons specialist involved in production of film; both maintain their innocence and vow to fight charges

Both accused deny any culpability in death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of 'Rust,' after a live round was accidentally fired

Jewish director says he isn't sure how he feels about making films in interview with Alec Baldwin, who has also faced recent controversy

Videos include debriefings of Baldwin within hours of gun discharge that resulted in the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins

Actor calls incident a 'one-in-a-trillion event,' says he met with husband of slain cinematographer

'All options are on the table. No one has been ruled out at this point,' says district attorney on whether '30 Rock' star could be indicted for accidentally killing cinematographer

Police still investigating how such an accident could have occurred despite detailed and long-established gun safety protocols for film sets

LA Times reports there had been at least three prop gun misfires before fatal accident in which '30 Rock' actor shot 42-year-old cinematographer Halyna Hutchins dead

Fatal gunfire, helicopter crashes, and train collisions changed the safety regulations of the movie industry
