'The View' co-host apologizes after repeating assertion that landed her 2-week suspension, says she does believe the Nazi-orchestrated genocide was racial: 'Still learning a lot'

In interview, 'The View' host labels Holocaust 'white on white violence,' echoing remarks made in January that led to her two-week suspension from US talk show

The heads of the Conference of President, William Daroff and Malcolm Hoenlein, speak with ToI about Whoopi Goldberg, Ben & Jerry's, and the centrality of Israel in US Jewish life

Co-host of talk show vows to continue having tough conversations after insisting Nazi genocide of Jews wasn't about race, before apologizing

As actress serves suspension for her statements on Holocaust, a range of Jewish leaders note the complexity of describing how race fits into the overall Jewish experience

'I have to think education is more effective than public shaming and punishment,' says rabbi after 'The View' co-host argued Nazi genocide of Jews wasn't about race

Host's comments strike nerve among many Jews, but also bring to fore questions about identity that have never been easy to answer

Talk show briefly notes co-host's 2-week suspension for saying Nazi genocide 'not about race,' as Jews across political spectrum criticize decision to suspend her

News editor Amy Spiro dives into the Whoopi Goldberg hoopla and the Winter Olympics; diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman breaks down Amnesty International's recent report

Network tells co-host to take a two-week break 'to reflect and learn about the impact of her comments;' move comes despite apologies for saying Nazi genocide 'not about race'
