Under communications minister's plan, government would control panel set to replace body that licenses broadcast news, in move allegedly aimed at boosting pro-Netanyahu channel

Attorneys said to believe bench may still be swayed by evidence yet to be presented, with possibility of plea bargain also seen as slim

Walla and Channel 13 news also report justices urged sides to reach plea bargain 'for the sake of the country'

Ali Mugrabi of Channel 13 news says suspects broke his phone and beat him after event near Druze town of Yarka; cameraman accuses cops of turning blind eye

Union of Journalists condemns latest in series of assaults against Channel 13 staff, links it to incitement following onscreen text appearing to blame PM for civilian deaths

Public Diplomacy Minister Distel Atbaryan says news channel is 'counting down' until coalition members get killed after anchor criticizes her for inflammatory Holocaust remarks

Rather than inviting macroeconomics professor Moshe Hazan who recently resigned from central bank over government policy, network mistakenly brings in a real estate businessman

Police chief Kobi Shabtai says he expects further arrests in the coming days after mob threatened Channel 13 crew: 'We must bring sanity back to the country'

Protesters tear down fence around Channel 13 reporters, tell them 'we don't want you here'; National Unity's Benny Gantz also harassed at the scene

Opposition-affiliated media says Mehdi Bahman convicted of 'espionage' after speaking to Channel 13 earlier in the year, calling for peace with Israel
