In 'Lion's Den,' veteran Likudnik writes on Russia's surprising help at Turtle Bay, laments current Israeli coalition's 'inexperience' at the top

State Department publishes new administration's first Country Reports on Terrorism, with section on West Bank Israeli violence far more detailed than it was during Trump years

Ben Rhodes tells podcast he appreciates that Israel's new PM is 'candid' about his views, welcomes leaders who don't seek 'a public fight to help their politics back home'

The Democratic Party mainstream remains staunchly pro-Israel, but progressives use partisan gridlock to make the Jewish state a wedge issue

New York Times says ex-PM gave Washington two hours’ notice before attack on Iran’s Natanz nuclear plant; Netanyahu said to have feared Obama administration was spying on him

3 generals who worked with Colin Kahl say he was instrumental in securing funding for Iron Dome and dedicated to preserving Israel’s qualitative military edge

New diplomatic team, veterans of Obama administration, embodies 'my core belief that America is strongest when it works with our allies,' says US president-elect

While Netanyahu critics Rice and Kerry won't be dealing with Iran or Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Israel reportedly concerned about role of former Iran deal negotiator Sherman

Key architect of 2015 agreement will join Tony Blinken at State Department reunion of Obama administration officials, according to Politico

US preident-elect leans into previous administration's personnel and experience amid health, economic crises; progressive wing of party calls for more diversity
