Thousands take to streets after four Syrian Kurds killed by Turkish-backed armed group in town of Jinderis as they celebrated Nowruz holiday

After deadly blast in Istanbul last month, attributed by Turkey to illegal Kurdish groups, specter of incursion raised as Ankara responds with airstrikes against militants in Syria

Turkey says child and teacher among dead after high school, house and border gate struck; rights group says Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces responsible for attack

Ankara says its first known airborne-and-land offensive in Iraqi territory is in line with international law following insurgents' attacks on its military

Online campaign led by multiple accounts follows pattern on social media when controversial, international events erupt

In Kobani last year, The Times of Israel found a Kurdish people interested in Israeli life and hopeful for a peaceful future. That hope was to be dashed

'Think about our other allies, Israel, what do they think now — ‘Donald Trump is not true to our allies,'' presidential candidate says in criticism of US troop withdrawal

Abandoned by the US and facing possible 'genocide,' Kurdish fighters will move towards a compromise involving Assad and Russia, leader says

Defense secretary says move comes after the US learned Turkey pressing further in than had been expected; Erdogan asserts threats of sanctions won't stop offensive

Humanitarian agency says it's preparing for scenario in which up to 400,000 flee Kurdish areas
