Finance minister will deduct money from monthly transfers to Ramallah; Palestinian PM pans ‘declaration of financial war and a recipe for explosion’

Far-right finance minister's opposition may prevent Israel from fulfilling promise made to US government

During four month period, Jerusalem will top off sum of tax revenues it sends to PA to NIS 500 million, if collected amount falls below that total

Finance Minister Kahlon reportedly says he was directed by PM to make fund available to cash-strapped Palestinian Authority; right-wing group decries 'unthinkable' transfer

'Time for PA to step-up & take responsibility,' says Greenblatt, as Palestinian PM warns of collapse within 2 months amid withdrawal of US aid and financial spat with Israel

Mohammad Shtayyeh claims Palestinians weren't invited to Manama but wouldn't attend anyway; warns PA could collapse within 2 months if financial spat with Israel not resolved

PA official reportedly says there will be no compromise on issue; US unable to resolve crisis because Ramallah cut off contact with Washington

Israel has reportedly tried to transfer $182 million to Palestinians, but was rebuffed; finance minister said to meet with PA official to discuss issue

Paris implores Israel to renew payments -- frozen because of PA's funding for families of terrorists; Jerusalem replies that to do so would breach Europe's anti-terror principles

Gaza-based terror group planning to exploit salary cuts for Palestinian Authority party members and security forces, high-ranking party member reportedly says