Foundation that runs memorial at former Nazi camp in Germany condemns 'an abhorrent attack on the dignity of the Nazis' victims and on our work'

Nine beeches toppled or damaged in 'cowardly act'; premier of German state of Thuringia vows to replant two trees for every one damaged

'Appalled at the deliberate attack on remembrance,' memorial foundation says seven beeches were severed, of which one commemorated children killed at the Nazi camp

Organizers cite death of camp survivor in shelling in Ukraine; invitations to go instead to civil society representatives for annual liberation remembrance next month

Boris Romantschenko, who was not Jewish, survived four concentration camps including Bergen-Belsen and Buchenwald

Signatories to statement say Russian leader's unacceptable justification of invasion as action against Nazis and alleged genocide only serves to 'tarnish' the words

Marking 76th anniversary of concentration camp's liberation, Frank-Walter Steinmeier says it stands for 'racial fanaticism, torture, murder and elimination'

Dassault was grandson of famed French Jewish aeronautical engineer Marcel Bloch who survived being sent to Buchenwald death camp for refusing to help the Nazis

Site complains masses of daytrippers 'disturb the peace of the dead' with winter sports at former Nazi camp; 'Historical sensitivity is fading,' says foundation director

Lily Ebert watches footage filmed by US troops in June 1945 in the camp; grandson found the recording through US Holocaust Memorial Museum, UK Jewish News reports
