Support for Netanyahu challenger grows, with heavyweight Haim Katz also set to back him; senior MKs Erdan, Edelstein reportedly won't endorse either candidate

Lawmaker's backing of challenger in party primaries would be blow to PM, who is still expected to win handily; MK Etty Atia publicly endorses Sa'ar for Likud leader

Aryeh Deri says bloc will work together head of new election, but predicts band of right-wing and religious parties may not last if it fails to clinch a majority this time around

Between them, our electorate, our system and our politicians have combined to force us to a third vote inside a year. Maybe this time, we'll manage a decisive collective decision

MKs approve millions more to state funds given to each faction as lawmakers prepare to pitch voters for third time in under a year

Short-lived 22nd Knesset automatically disperses at midnight, new election season kicks off, as political turmoil continues to engulf country

Lawmakers green-light proposal setting date for national vote, the third in 11 months; final votes expected by midnight

Vowing not to bend on his demand for secularist unity government, Yisrael Beytenu leader signals new elections all but inevitable

Unprecedented third national vote within a year all but inevitable as bill setting next elections for March 2 expected to pass readings before Wednesday deadline