Yaakov Sheetrit accused of mistreating protester during arrest and then obstructing justice in probe of incident

Archaeologists said to find rock table in 3,100-year-old temple in Beit Shemesh that echoes Biblical description of ark's resting place

Chen Danziger, 29, in her fifth month, collapses outside of her school in Beit Shemesh; two students keep her heart pumping until medics arrive

Adina Bar-Shalom sues Beit Shemesh Rabbi David Benizri for saying she's an 'accursed, wicked woman' over her support of female political candidates in the Haredi city

Victim, in his 40s, pronounced dead at scene after car plows into parked bus, bringing death toll over last 48 hours to nine

Site yields rare intact crypt to anonymous martyr immortalized by Greek inscription; Jerusalem museum exhibit showcases massive collection of delicate glass artifacts

Emergency services gain control of blaze before damage to property; more fires in north of country as summer heat takes its toll

Group of 12-year-olds, allegedly motivated by boredom and competition, caused damage to nature areas and forced evacuations of buildings

In milestone for city's LGBTQ community, around 200 attendees gather to share experiences, preach tolerance; ahead of parade, signs promoting march vandalized

Officer suspended after video shows him pulling Beit Shemesh resident Mordechai Kreuzer by ritual curls; Interior Minister Aryeh Deri says incident 'bordered on anti-Semitism'
