Left-wing group says container it placed outside German parliament holds remains of death camp victims; activists say stunt deeply disrespectful to victims and families

Three pupils tie up 14-year-old during gym class; unclear if victim, who was slightly injured, is Jewish; police investigate incident as politically motivated

Authorities say they are investigating a suspicious object in Breitscheidplatz; local newspaper reports 2 Syrians with explosives experience detained

German police say it appears nothing was removed from burial site of Reinhard Heydrich, a Gestapo head regarded as cruel even within the Third Reich

In second such assault in recent weeks, 76-year-old victim, who was mistaken for a Jew, suffered injuries to his forehead and nose

After spate of attacks on Jews, Berlin mayor Michael Muller says such incidents must 'never become normal'

State prosecution confirms it halted the investigation after Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal, president of the city’s Chabad community, was unable to identify the suspects

Lévy, whose story was told in the 2017 movie 'The Invisibles,' was hidden by non-Jews honored by Israel after the war; Merkel mourns 'an impressive woman'

Police subdue, arrest 23-year-old, apparently a Syrian refugee, who also shouted 'Fuck Israel' in Friday incident; German media says probe ongoing but suspect released from custody

German capital's office for internal affairs says singers were 'crossing a line' by questioning Israel's right to exist, glorifying terrorism
