In his new book 'Fatherland,' Burkhard Bilger tells about his 1992 discovery that his grandfather had been tried for war crimes in postwar France - but that's not the whole story

In his new book 'Foreign Bodies,' the famed historian follows the journey of the emerging microbiologist community of the 17th and 18th centuries toward protecting public health

In 'Zhen Yu and the Snake,' author Erica Lyons adapts a well-known story about Rabbi Akiva's daughter while also highlighting China's rich Jewish history

In 'The Suicide Museum,' Chilean-American writer Ariel Dorfman pens an alternate history with himself and his family, along with a driven Holocaust survivor, as protagonists

Grand space to open in October, featuring plush reading rooms, museum-like exhibits, robotic stacks for 4 million books and rooms for all visitors, not just the quiet kind

In 'Dwell Time,' Rosa Lowinger draws on her background as a conservator to examine the cracks and flaws in her upbringing as the child of exiles - and how they made her stronger

In his new book 'Architects of Terror,' Sir Paul Preston shows how Spain's ties to Nazi Germany and use of antisemitic propaganda belied its claims of sympathy to Jewish refugees

Seth Stern's new book 'Speaking Yiddish to Chickens' tells how his grandparents joined thousands of other Jews in a plucky venture as they rebuilt their lives in rural America

In 'Baseball and Belonging,' the athlete chronicles his life and sports career, telling how a call from Israel’s burgeoning baseball program helped him find his Judaism

In her 10 years as a rabbi, Diana Fersko's constituents have turned to her about the concurrent uptick in US antisemitism. Her new book gives thoughtful answers to their concerns
