Exquisite fine and decorative art objects dating back centuries — and even millennia — will be up for sale in live and online sales at Christie's in New York on October 3 to 17

Announcement follows campaign by Jewish groups in response to auction house's sale of jewelry belonging to the late heiress to the fortune of a former Nazi Party member

Tel Aviv Museum of Art faced criticism for collaboration with auction house after sale of collection belonging to a family that became rich by dispossessing Jews during Holocaust

Christie's executive also on museum fundraising board under fire for conference that critics say will give war profiteers a platform; Claims Conference refuses donation offer

Auction house finishes round of sales from so-called Horten collection after rebuffing calls by Jewish groups to suspend it

Request comes after auction house ignored Jewish groups' pleas to drop sale of jewelry belonging to widow of man who bought Jewish businesses sold under duress in 1930s

Ruby ring, 90-carat diamond necklace fetch less than expected at sale derided by Jewish groups due to previous owner's ties to Jewish dispossession under Nazis

Research finds that under threat of being sent to concentration camps, Jewish businesspeople sold companies to Heidi Horten's husband in 1930s below market value

Works by artist Egon Schiele, seized from Jewish cabaret artist Fritz Grunbaum during Holocaust, are expected to fetch $2.8 million

Guide price for work of LS Lowry of Merthyr Tydfil Synagogue was £180,000; Jewish Heritage Foundation hopes to contact purchaser about plans for building
