Son of refugees was a circuit judge in rural Cuba when he fled Fidel Castro's revolution for the US to start a new life as a social worker, then Holocaust and immigration educator

In 'Dwell Time,' Rosa Lowinger draws on her background as a conservator to examine the cracks and flaws in her upbringing as the child of exiles - and how they made her stronger

In her new memoir, Judy Bolton-Fasman investigates lifelong questions on the strange union between her assimilated American dad and her much-younger mom, a volatile Cuban refugee

Ruth Behar mines family lore for 'Letters From Cuba,' a book for readers ages 8-12 about pre-teen Polish-Jewish girl's solo journey to life in remote sugar plantation town

From kosher meat to bagels with a hole, shortages on the island make it near impossible for the aging community to access what their foreign coreligionists take for granted

The aging congregation represents community to the Spanish-speaking group who were not immediately accepted by their American coreligionists years ago

Anna Salomon and her husband immigrated to Jewish state under the law of return, only to be arrested later under order of Population and Immigration Authority

Burial ground opened in 1910 contains some 1,100 graves; it is being restored as part of events marking 500 years from the city's establishment