Over 2,000 cops will secure controversial parade through Old City's Muslim Quarter; officials say they are prepared for Gaza rocket fire but do not consider such an attack likely
Jerusalem sends message through Egypt following threats from terror group; police deny request from nationalist activists for May 18 rally to go through Temple Mount
Bedouin woman was arrested last week while carrying scissors near Damascus Gate; Jerusalem man told cops he planned to take knife from his restaurant job to carry out an attack
Signs of Palestinian solidarity are all over Qatar, including on the field, though the Atlas Lions gave the Arab world, and an East Jerusalem bar, a second underdog to root for
Army says suspects were throwing stones, Molotov cocktails and burning tires as soldiers operated near village of Hursa; no word on condition of man hit by Israeli fire
Flashpoint Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood sees fighting, arrests, vehicle torched; Israeli wounded after Palestinian stone-throwing near Old City, masked Jews beat Arab journalist
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