Warda Abu Hadid, who was escorting Iyad Halak to a special needs educational institute in the Old City where he studied, says police ignored her screams and opened fire anyway

Defense minister says he's certain the shooting of Iyad Halak, who police said they mistakenly thought was armed, will be investigated quickly

Police brace for potential clashes as site opens after months of virus closure; police minister sorrowful for Iyad Halak's killing, but warns against rushing to judge before probe

One officer placed under house arrest; family of Iyad Halak, 32, says he was on autism spectrum, did not understand orders to stop

Palestinian sources say young man had special needs and didn't understand police order to stop; incident comes day after Palestinian killed while trying ram forces in West Bank

No police officers injured in alleged attempted attack in Jabel Mukaber neighborhood of the capital; earlier, 2 shot in West Bank after alleged attempt to stab soldiers

Fares and Firas Muhammad spent much of their youth in courts for thefts and thuggery; when they decided to turn their lives around, their path led them, extraordinarily, to the IDF

The neighborhood Kafr Aqab - inside the Jerusalem municipality but outside the West Bank separation barrier - has largely been left on its own to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic

St Joseph Hospital says Health Ministry asked it to prepare to accept Palestinian patients, but then failed to pay half of the money it pledged

Arab neighborhoods such as Kafr Aqab and Shuafat Refugee Camp, home to over 150,000 people in total, pose complex challenges, even as testing rises in rest of city's eastern side
