In new short satiric film premiering July 25, Anne Frank House museum reps hire a marketing firm to remake diarist's image in era of 'empathy fatigue' among young people
The blockbuster biopic delves into the mind of the 'father of the atom bomb,' a lonely man tortured by his achievements, at once surrounded by and isolated from his own community
Now in theaters, Christopher Nolan’s movie about the man behind the A-bomb shows a struggle between pragmatism, humanism and ambition - and the solace of a Jewish friendship
The 'Nanny' writer and actress continues in the tradition of Jewish women labor activists - and her portrayals in television and film show that she has long admired them
Now playing, the mockumentary centers on a fictional upstate secular musical arts camp, but was filmed at the historic Reform summer camp and is peppered with Jewish references
Director James Mangold’s sequel brings the franchise’s longtime villains closer than ever before -- and into Israeli theaters on June 29 and US theaters on June 30
From June 1-8, NYC's Israel Film Center Festival presented a selection of films that rivals Cannes or Sundance - but here you ran the chance of bumping into your Hebrew teacher
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