Every major American city holds events marking holiday, which commemorates emancipation of slaves in US, as protesters' demands begin to yield concrete results

5 months before election, amid crises in health, economy and race relations, most Americans -- including 63% of Republicans -- say the country is heading in the wrong direction

Experts say indictments for murder and assault against officers reflect potential 'sea change' in tolerance for police violence

Prosecutors say victim, a black man, posed no threat when he was shot by a white cop who kicked him and offered no medical help as he lay dying

Amid ongoing George Floyd protests, about half of Americans now say aggression by law enforcement against the public is a 'very' or 'extremely' serious problem

Steven Carrillo, an Air Force sergeant, also ambushed police who tries to arrest him, killing another officer; weapons, ammunition and materials for bombs found in his van and home

Just 14% of US adults say they're 'very happy,' down from 31% who said the same last year

Keeping tough law-and-order line, US president stresses need for higher standards, even as he hails vast majority of officers as selfless public servants

Steinmeier says hatred at home can't be ignored while protesting George Floyd's death; people should not be attacked for having dark skin, wearing a skullcap or praying at mosque

UK PM says new committee will review racial equality amid calls to confront country's imperialist past in light of protests sparked by George Floyd's death
