Secretary of State to meet with leaders in Riyadh as some in US push for military action against Iran following assault on massive energy facility

Leader of right-wing alliance says technical bloc of New Right, Jewish Home and National Union will still negotiate coalition agreement together

Marginalized minority decries what they say is systemic discrimination, but some residents of unrecognized villages cast their ballots hoping for change

Attack blamed on Iran that halved kingdom's oil production is latest in a series of unclaimed acts of sabotage in the Gulf, which experts say could be a new tactic by Tehran

Shtayyeh says Palestinians 'don't count' on outcome of vote because neither candidate intends to 'end the occupation'

Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman makes light of situation at international energy forum amid growing concerns about health of global oil market

Former member of a pro-Israel armed group during Israel's military presence in Lebanon faces public fury, calls for his execution

Dutch-Palestinian seeking 600,000 euros in damages for six relatives killed in bombing when Blue and White leader was army chief; defense attorney says court can't try case

Wall Street Journal says Washington provided Riyadh with assessment of airborne weapons used in assault but Saudis say not enough evidence it was launched by Iranians

Israelis head to polls for election do-over widely seen as a referendum on longtime PM, who critics accuse of seeking a 5th term to avoid likely criminal indictments
