Billionaire Chelsea owner adds EU passport to his Russian and Israeli ones, under rules for people descended from Jews expelled in 15th century

Rodrigo Sousa e Castro deletes 'offensive' tweet following backlash, yet claims statement was about 'Zionism and its crimes in Palestine' that upset 'Zio-Nazis'

Opening ahead of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, facility reflects a resurgence as the number of Jews in the country hits 3,100, up 75% from 20 years ago

After months of threatening to derail the 2015 nationality law with draconian requirements, Socialist Party says it will instead insist on applicants showing a 'genuine connection'

Aristides de Sousa Mendes issued visas to French Jews to enter Portugal during Holocaust; he will be memorialized with statue at site recognizing country's greatest figures

Proposed amendment would only make citizenship available to those in country legally for two years, closing off opportunity to many

'Sefarad' chronicles centuries of Jewish life in Porto, Portugal; was financed by vetting applications of people claiming citizenship as descendants of Sephardic Jews

Thousands of recently naturalized Jews of Sephardic descent were able to cast absentee ballots ahead of Sunday's parliamentary poll -- even if they had never lived in Portugal

A small but significant number of Sabras pursue a dream that transcends patriotism, buying large tracts of cheap rural land on which to live eco-friendly alternative lifestyles

While some apply for Portuguese and Spanish citizenship to celebrate their family's roots, most look to economic opportunity and a future that an European passport can offer
