Justice minister, who has said coalition's future is at stake, says vote won't be delayed, despite the fact that Silman and Rinawie Zoabi's votes are decisive in deadlocked Knesset

Ahead of Monday vote, Israeli television reports that rebel Yamina MK has said she'll oppose extending legislation, while Ra'am's support remains unsecured

Reports say New Hope already talking portfolios, guarantees as coalition struggles to pass key renewal of West Bank law; Ra'am said willing to support bill if assured it will pass

Iranian foreign minister also cautions West against trying to censure Tehran over unexplained uranium traces at undeclared sites at next IAEA meeting

Hosting Rafael Grossi for talks, PM urges use of 'all means' to prevent Tehran from getting nukes, accuses Islamic Republic of concealing atomic work with 'false info and lies'

With settler leader asking opposition to support renewal of crucial legal measure, Yariv Levin accuses him of doing 'terrible damage' to greater settlement enterprise

On wobbling coalition's one-year anniversary, PM issues unusual open letter to Israel's 'silent Zionist majority,' calling for its survival for the sake of the country

Meeting comes amid stalled Iran nuclear talks, and days after Israeli prime minister published documents he said prove Iran spied on IAEA

Israel-born Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi calls PM a 'devil' who should be 'silenced' by a spear, says finance minister's death would bring 'eternal happiness'

Foreign Ministry Director-General Alon Ushpiz slated to meet Bahraini FM in Manama as part of 'Warm Peace' strategy
