US, Britain, France and Germany urge Tehran to 'fulfill its legal obligations' to UN watchdog and demonstrate that its nuclear program is not being used for military purposes

Bennett applauds motion brought by US, Britain, France and Germany as exposing Iran's 'true face'; Russia and China oppose resolution

The final blow to the coalition could come from many directions, but come it will. And Israel will get a gov't of the ideological hue most of the electorate voted for a year ago

Report says Health Ministry to recommend indoor masking for the elderly, at-risk; transmission rate continues to climb, test positivity rate over 20%

Threat comes as Bennett touts Israel's successes against the Islamic Republic over the past year and amid fears Tehran will try to retaliate for recent high-profile assassinations

Addressing Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, PM hails passing year as a 'turning point' in nation's strategy against Tehran

Less than a third of respondents say they would vote for the same party they supported in the March 2021 elections, survey finds

But silence of New Hope's Gideon Sa'ar, who said vote was a test of coalition's desire to survive, raises questions how long alliance can carry on

Europe's largest economy has been reluctant to ban Russian oil before finding suitable alternatives, and is reportedly eyeing Israel's Leviathan gas field

Matan Sidi's departure follows those of PM's diplomatic adviser, chief of staff and office manager; will be replaced by Yotam Ben Yitzhak
