Bennett says it will cost just $2 apiece for 'Iron Beam' to intercept targets, 'impoverishing' enemies who spend tens of thousands on rockets and drones

As coalition wobbles, Bennett to hold meeting with party leaders; Levin proposes early elections; lawmakers to vote on controversial flag legislation

Justice minister says MKs who don't support renewing emergency measure are voting for government's collapse -- with all eyes on Ra'am

PM rebuffs Iranian foreign minister's claim that alleged spying operation is just 'Zionist lies'; proof 'is here in my hands,' he says

Naomi Sasson joins former confidants Shimrit Meir and Tal Gan-Tzvi in skipping fragile coalition government

Economic Committee head Michael Biton had vowed to boycott most votes, hobbling razor-thin coalition; Bennett promises to look at agriculture, transport reforms that raised his ire

Bennett hails Jerusalem Day flag march as critical for maintaining Israeli 'sovereignty and governance' despite Hamas threats; Lapid says festivities tainted by extremists, racists

Premier taps current aides Eden Bizman, Keren Hajioff to fill top positions after pair of senior officials quit Prime Minister's Office

'Whoever funds terrorists, whoever arms terrorists, whoever sends out terrorists, will pay the full price,' PM says

Ethiopia-born Immigration Minister Pnina Tamano-Shata says work is underway to teach Israelis more about the community's losses, and compensate their families
