ToI editor David Horovitz and US correspondent Jacob Magid discuss Jerusalem Day and the flag march, updates on the coalition crisis, and who's been visiting the Saudis

Tamir Hayman says Tehran has reached unprecedented new capabilities since accord's collapse: 'The reality today is completely different from 2015'

Survey gives bloc led by ex-PM 59 seats, to current coalition's 55, with mainly Arab Joint List holding balance; most voters think government will collapse within 6 months

Report says Defense Ministry official surprised his American hosts, with his remarks contradicting Israeli government's current stance

'You won't threaten our sovereignty': Israeli leaders stress Sunday march will follow traditional route despite warnings from terror groups; participants not allowed on Temple Mt.

Our government strains to govern. Our opposition is unremittingly hostile — as opposed to constructively and pointedly critical. Meantime, external and internal challenges mount up

Opposition bill to allow Israeli citizens back to evacuated settlements fails; comments come day before government must respond to High Court over the planned evacuation

Diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman explains why it's more important which Turkish minister didn't come to Israel (yet) and Tech editor Ricky Ben David reports from Casablanca

'Our prayers are with the victims, their families and the American people,' PM says after 19 kids, 2 adults killed in elementary school shooting; Lapid says he is 'devastated'

Defense minister alters bill at last-minute so that it covers 75% of ex-combat soldiers' tuition costs instead of originally proposed 67%, leading Likud to drop its opposition
